Welcome to Springhill Medical Center, we look forward to working with students to encourage quality patient care. We desire to create a comprehensive program that meets the needs of each educational institution and fosters the growth of our future employees. We are glad that you have chosen us for your clinical experience. This site has been created to serve as the central resource for all healthcare students who are utilizing Springhill Medical Center for school-related training purposes. Please complete all necessary paperwork before the start date. Additional policies and guidelines have been added for reference. All students should read these policies and are expected to adhere to these standards.
Skills that students may NEVER perform:
- Take verbal orders
- Cannot initiate or document on restraints
- Hang blood/blood products
- Administer medication without the clinical instructor’s verification
“ At Springhill Medical Center, we provide an atmosphere & an environment that promotes a transition from classroom to bedside -- expanding knowledge, critical thinking, and clinical experience. We work as a team to foster the development of healthcare workers who will provide unmatched quality care within the healthcare setting. ”
All Clinical Forms
School of Nursing faculty and staff should use these online forms to submit Clinical requests for potential placement in our program. How and when you fill out this form will determine your clinical placement. Include all the information you feel is important to help find appropriate student placement for clinical. Click on all green bolded titles to get the forms.
Instructor Checklist
A quick check-off list for instructors to validate that all procedures required for placement have been completed. Forms from the checklist can be downloaded below.
Clinical Request Form *
To apply for clinical placement at Springhill Medical Center each school needs to fill out a clinical request form. Please send these forms in as soon as you can. Please give more than one possible date for the computer class. Please specify AM or PM. Fill out the form completely and submit it by email.
Practicum Request *
Please fill out the online form. Once it is submitted, you will be notified.
Confidentiality and Security Agreement
HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Every employer, clinic, hospital and employee is required to ensure the confidentiality of health information. Individuals in organizations who have access to health information must sign confidentiality agreements.
General Review Packet/Quiz
For you to help us promote a Culture of Safety, Service and Quality, we need to test the knowledge of the nursing students before entering Springhill Medical Center for clinical rotation. Please give the students this test and submit test scores before the Computer and Blood Glucose training class.
General Review Score Sheet
This sheet is used to list each of your student's General Review quiz scores.
Computer Access Request for Students and Instructors
All clinical instructors' and students' names need to be submitted for computer access. The ID/Password will allow you to chart on patients during your clinical rotation. Names should be submitted before computer class so that this information can be submitted before the first day of your clinical rotation.
Influenza Vaccination Policy
The purpose of this policy is to help protect patients, employees, employees’ family members, and others affiliated with Springhill Medical Center from acquiring seasonal influenza diseases.
Student Orientation Guidelines
List of Rules that all students need to abide by.
IMPORTANT: Please print, complete, scan and email forms to Kelly Tomlinson, MSN, RN with the school name, semester, date and what is included.
The following should be included in what is sent:
- Student and Instructor names
- Vaccination log (to include instructors)
- General Review score sheet
- Confidentiality and security agreements (print name below the signature line)
- Typed computer access request
* Both the Clinical Request and Practicum Request forms are now on the web to complete and submit.
Failure to take the above steps may result in the inability to attend clinical.
These guidelines will be updated as needed.
Instructor and Student Parking
Parking on the SMC campus is plentiful; however, there are designated parking areas. Instructors and students are to park in lots designated for Employees (Lot #8 and #9).
Shuttle service is available in clearly marked vans. You can also call for a shuttle pickup from the parking lot or a drop-off to your vehicle at 251.460.5458.
NOTE: Parking is strictly enforced. If you park in an area other than Employee designated lots you risk your vehicle being booted or towed at your expense.
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