Posted On: May 13, 2024
Springhill Medical Center recognized Shaun Bramble, RN, as 2024 Nurse of the Year.

Bramble is a noteworthy success story as her SMC employment dates back to 2015 when she signed on as an OR and GI Lab tech. Over the years she was inspired by her colleagues to go back to school and get a nursing degree. She is now the assistant nurse manager in the GI Lab, a position she greatly credits to the mentors around her, including a local GI doctor.
“I owe him a great deal and will forever be grateful to him for having a huge role in helping me become the nurse I am today. We do amazing work here at SMC’s GI Lab, and I am very proud to be a part of making a difference in so many lives,” Bramble said.
Springhill celebrated Nurses Week May 6-10, kicking off with the announcement of Bramble’s award.
“What a tremendous compliment her co-workers have paid Shaun!” said Chief Nursing Executive and Vice President Paul Read, RN. “She is a well-deserving professional who has been part our Springhill family for a long time.”
Nurses Week is a great opportunity for Springhill to recognize nurses like Shaun for the example they set and the contributions they have made to our hospital and the community.
“Being named Nurse of the Year means that someone else sees the work that I do and sees that I love doing it,” Bramble explained. “Someone is saying they appreciate all of the sacrifices I make to help and be of service to others. It is truly an honor.”
The mother of five immediately texted her husband and children upon hearing the news. Her daughter’s statement back to her summarized her own feelings:
“God truly brings beauty from ashes and puts you on the path you are meant to be on. When you are on that path you thrive and that is what
you have done, Mom.”
Bramble approaches her responsibilities with the mindset to value what she does and to add value along the way.